Is Fine Art Nude always nude?
No, fine art nude is many things. However, they are all beautiful! Let me explain some of the differences:
- Fine Art Nude; is, for many people, an umbrella that embraces all the other nude styles and concepts. Taste and interpretation are, of course, and thankfully, subjective. For me, the classic FAN has smooth lines, beauty, and aesthetics where the whole body is visible. If it is not shot in a studio with a backdrop, you must feel the connection between the model and the surroundings. It is timeless and something you want to see in giant print on a gallery wall.
- Implied Nude; is typically the starting point for TFP models entering the nude genre. In general, the model is still naked, or at least is in the eyes of the beholder. These are generally safe for social media without censorship since none of the "highly dangerous" body parts are visible. Breasts and genitalia can be covered with body parts, cloth, nature, or anything. They are frequently used in advertising since they are more SFW than if you could see a nipple.
- Body scaping is also a good way to get started in nude modeling because it focuses on body parts rather than the face and does not take into account the surroundings. This makes them anonymous, thereby removing some of the nervousness, and can be done practically everywhere. It is also easier to pose for scaping than for classic nude, since the amount of movement is more limited.
- Lingerie is pretty self-explanatory by the name and involves lingerie, but it could also be kimono, underwear, or other types. In recent years, it has become more common in regular households to get lingerie shots in boudoir style as a gift for a spouse. They are practically the same, almost. My opinion is that lingerie is often more sexual/alluring and oriented towards commercial use in magazines, etc., whereas boudoir is more seductive - usually given as a personal and intimate gift.
- Contemporary / creative / artistic. Often with nude photos, a specific artwork can fit in multiple descriptions and styles. I love the classic nude, but at the same time, I desire to be creative in a different way, to show that beauty and nudity are many things. A lot of my work for SPLASH! falls into this category. They are not nesscerely beautiful, aesthethic, but have a certain twist to them, playing with angles, surroundings, environment, techniques, and the models expressions.
- Erotic, kink & all the rest; the difference between a classic and an erotic photo can be as little as moving the camera a few centimeters, changing the pose slightly, or just the facial expression without even showing genitalia. I don't mind shooting these types, but when I do, I always make sure they are still classy and beautifully edited in my personal style to keep them within the "scale of art."
What about payment or TFP?
This all depends on the shoot and the purpose. I might pay you, you might pay me, and we might do it as a collaboration or TFP (Time for Photos) without money involved.
I use a standard model release to protect you and me, which can be customized. The release gives me commercial rights for the photos. An add-on to the release could be anonymization. You are allowed to use photos for your portfolio, social media, Onlyfans, Patreon, and so on, but you are not allowed to sell the pictures unless it is part of the release.
The number of photos you will receive depends on the duration of the shoot and the number of locations. It is usually between 3-5 high-end retouched photos, and if TFP, there is also the possibility of receiving a few prints on Hahnemühle fine art paper.