Why do I shoot fine art nudes?
Fine art nudes is actually unknown to many people. I mean, everybody has seen photos of naked people; they are all around. However, most of them are definitely not fine art! There are many misconceptions and stigmas surrounding shooting nude photos, both for models and photographers. When I tell people I'm a nude art photographer, many people actually don't know what it is, but when they see my photos, it is like a new world is opening up to them. For me, I love being able to show a piece of art that could be hanging in every home, depicting the naked human body, which for me is the most beautiful thing in the world!
I spent most of my life in a hard workplace, in some of the harshest environments in the world, where being creative had nothing to do with being artistic, and cameras weren't the only things shooting. Supported by my lovely wife and dearest friends, in 2019 I decided to change that. I wanted to change the direction of my business; I wanted to focus on my own wellbeing, on beauty, on art, on bringing joy to the world, on empowering people, and on removing misconceptions that a naked body equates to sexual willingness or lust. I always say: #Dontworryitsart 
What are the benefits for a model, and why do they do it? Why should you?
Artistic expression: Some women may see posing for nude art as a form of self-expression and a way to participate in the creation of art. By doing nude art, you do not just produce art - you are the artwork! The photographer brings the canvas, and you are the elegant brush strokes setting the outlines while the photographer brings it to life.
Empowerment: For some women, posing nude can be an act of empowerment, challenging societal norms and expectations around female bodies. Nude art is taking control of your own body. Show me a woman who hasn't been sexualized at least once! No? I thought so. Many models would never be topless at the beach, and can be quite shy, but when they are with a professional photographer, they feel free on a completely different level. Here the focus is on the joint creative journey of creating the most beautiful image the world has ever seen. With nude art, you are being admired for your artistic and visual expression, not judged or sexualized. Shooting in a safe environment is an amazing experience, and the enlivened energy often makes you forget the nude aspect. During a shoot, I always show the model the photos on the camera, both for guidance on what works, encouragement, and to show the "drafts." This brings even more energy to the shoot. If a photographer will not show you photos during the shoot, think twice; it is a red flag and you should immediately stop.
Body positivity: Posing nude can be a way for women to embrace and celebrate their bodies, regardless of any perceived flaws or insecurities. I have had some people ask me why I only shoot skinny girls, and first of - I do not only shoot skinny girls. Those who have asked me have been given the same answer: "Then bring me the woman you would like to see in my photos, who is willing to pose naked for me, and I will create art with her." I travel all the time, literally, and I use different databases for models and photographers, and there is an abundance of models in every size all around - except when it comes to people who do nude shots. However, some of my most amazing shots have been with a completely normal-sized person. Not skinny, not overweight, not athletic, and with no modeling experience, she just wanted to feel beautiful in a new way.
Financial gain: If you are a professional nude model, you could be traveling the world for a living, working with photographers all over the world. This is not easy, and very few models reach this level, but those who do love their lives; however, it takes years of hard work and dedication; modeling is not an easy job! 
Everyone can find a photographer who will pay them to take their clothes off, but they do not always provide a safe environment or the quality to your portfolio that is required for growth. 

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